One Love Montessori Preschool

Welcome to One Love Montessori in Burlingame

Preschool and Kindergarten, A Safe and Caring World of Play, where Our Children Learn for Life.

Montessori system

Preschool, Creche and Kintergarden

Safety First

We follow CDC Covid-19 Guidelines

Increase your confidence and unlock your child’s potential.

To create a community of children and adults based on the principles of respect, individuality, personal responsibility and cooperation.

Help parents educate their children through creating a partnership, between child, parent and teacher.

The Montessori system aims to lead children to mastery of their intellectual, physical and social skills. It encourages an inherent self-motivation and self-disciplined learning that will lead to a life-long pursuit of knowledge.

One Love Montessori – Burlingame

Our school is based on the philosophy of Maria Montessori and enriched by current research in early childhood development and psychology..

The Montessori Way

One Love Montessori offers preschool and kindergarten programs for children ages 3 months to 6 years old.

One Love Montessori - Preschool


Maria Montessori knew that to cultivate the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, we must begin with the youngest children… more

One Love Preschool Toddler Area


Correcting is not the same as modeling. What we show our children, they will do. We must model the behavior we want to see in our children… more

One Love Montessori - Kindergarten


Children are very sensitive to their environment. We understand how the child, the teacher and the environment are a “learning triangle”… more

We take rigorous precautions against Covid-19​

Our Montessori Preschool is unwavering in it’s commitment to the safety, well-being and development of every child in our school. Our purpose is to provide children with a superior education in a caring, loving environment while earning parents’ trust with our proven results.

Come See Montessori in Action!

Bi-lingual Spanish/English Infant, Toddler and Primary Communities in Burlingame, California. Come visit our multi-age classrooms where children work together as a community, caring for each other and the environment.
